First Post!

Published: Jan 14, 2021 by

I’m old enough to remember (maybe it’s still happening; I don’t know) the competition among Anonymous Cowards (that’s the default un-authenticated user name) to get first post on any Slashdot article. Well, when you have your own website, it’s rather easy since you have no competition. That doesn’t make me any less excited to be writing my first blog post on my new website.

Expect to find a wide variety of topics here, based on my interests. Since I’m on the cusp of transitioning from aspiring novelist to novelist, expect posts on writing fiction. Since I currently lead the technical writing team at Liferay, I’ll probably have things to say about technical writing too.

Beyond writing, I have various other geeky interests: Linux, computer programming, tabletop role-playing games, board games, 3D printing, music, and a whole host of other things. I hope this blog becomes a nice, well-rounded repository of good information on all these topics and more.

For now, though, this post serves to complete the building of this site. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope what you find here is useful!
